Payment Authorisation


This page details a non-essential option for merchants who have already completed Limepay integration using the direct API integration method.

If you are using an e-commerce platform such as Magento, Woocommerce or Salesforce, this section is not relevant to your integration of Limepay.

Payment Authorisation, or “pre-auth”, allows a merchant to reserve funds from a checkout initiated payment in their customer’s account. This delays the capture of funds in the payment, for up to a week, until an API request is made from your system. The most common use for this is if a merchant’s products are not available in the short term and the merchant would prefer to guarantee payment before shipping goods or providing services.

This function is only possible with full payments, and not payments in instalments.


There is a strict 7 day limit for this function. After that time, the Limepay API will not allow the funds to be captured. Therefore it is very important that the merchant’s integration does not assume that funds can always be captured and is prepared to handle failed attempts to do so.

Integrating Payment Authorisation via the Limepay API

The Order [Pay] API features the optional parameter authoriseOnly. When this is set to true, on a successful transaction the status of a payment will be not_captured rather than the usual paid, as below:

  "transactionId": "tran_1234567",
  "transactionStatus": "not_captured",
  "amount": 1000,
  "currency": "AUD",
  "type": "paycard"

It’s important to verify the transactionStatus is as expected in your integration and that you persist the transactionId for capturing the funds later.

Capturing Funds

To capture previously authorised payments, use the Transaction [Capture] API. The optional JSON payload captureAmount can be set to an amount less than the original authorisation to capture less of the authorised amount, as below, or omitted to capture the full amount.

  "captureAmount": 1000

captureAmount cannot be set to an amount greater than the authorised amount.

Cancelling an Authorisation

Transactions made using Payment Authorisation can be cancelled before the funds are captured, releasing the funds in the customer’s account, using the Uncaptured Transaction [Cancel] API. If successful, the transactionStatus on your transaction will be updated to cancelled.

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