Apple Pay™️
To utilise Apple Pay™️ at the checkout merchants must register by,
- Hosting a domain verification file
- Registering domain via their merchant dashboard
After doing that, the checkout will display Apple Pay™️ as a payment option when possible. Apple Pay™️ is only available on Apple devices that support it (e.g. Safari web browsers, iOS devices).
Apple Pay™️ functions similarly to how standard credit and debit cards function with the checkout. For example:
- Mastercard, AMEX and Visa cards are accepted
- Card authorisations can still be performed if so desired
1. Hosting a domain verification file
Merchants are required to host a domain verification file at the following path for each domain they’re registering:
For the previous example, this means the file would need to be accessible for the above path at
- , and
Download the domain verification file here: apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association
2. Registering domain via their merchant dashboard
Under the dashboard settings, merchants must register for Apple Pay™️ before it can be enabled on their checkout. To register, simply provide the domains where the checkout is used. For example, if you host an ecommerce store at and, you must register the following domains with Limepay:
Note that Limepay will automatically add domains for the Virtual Terminal so that your customers can use Apple Pay™️ there too. There is no need to configure a domain verification file there.
If you wish to disable Apple Pay™️, simply unregister all domains via the merchant dashboard. Apple Pay™️ will cease to show as a payment option afterwards.
Handling errors
Have difficulting enabling? Here are some common errors that may occur when enabling.
- "Before you can register your domain, please ensure that the domain verification file is correctly hosted on the domain."
This could be ocurring as,
a. You may be attempting to register the protocol as part of the domain. Do not include HTTPS:// correct examples,,
b. The domain verification file is not located at the domain that was attempted to be registered. To correct ensure that the domain verfication file is located at the same domain entered into the box labled "Enable on the following domains and sub-domains". Make sure the domain verification file is accessibale at: https://[DOMAIN_NAME]/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association
c. There could be an existing domain verification file being hosted on your domain. This needs to be removed and replaced. Download the domain verification file here: apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association
All merchants must adhere to the Acceptable Use Guidelines for Apple Pay™️ on the Web.
What's next?
Visit the testing documentation page to confirm the integration is fully functional.